Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Infinite Psychic Field

Creavolution :  The Infinite Psychic Field

The Infinite Psychic Field is the great interconnecting weave that is and connects everything in the universe. This weave has no bounds, no limitations, and has a consciousness that responds to wants and desires, pulls and pushes, the cosmic strings of destiny. The Infinite Psychic Field, the Force, the Akashic  web, (or for all my Wheel of Time brothers and sisters, The Pattern) is a simple truth of the cosmos and at the same time so complex that I don’t think we can really understand, let alone truly comprehend its power, function, intricacies, and meaning.
I am not saying that we can’t understand it on some level. Maybe some of us can better than others. In my personal study of it, I can intellectually understand its basic premise, in that simply, we are all inter-connected, inter-woven, if you will, with everything else. There is literally no separation between us and anything else, sentient or non-sentient (if there even is such a thing as non-sentient). That is kind of a simple thing to believe and understand; it’s really just basic physics – everything is vibrating energy, everything is and of energy, so therefore, it is interconnected. From this perspective, there seems to be no need to think of it on a more complex, spiritual level outside of basic physics. Well I agree that the perspective of physics is correct, but at the same time I believe there is a much more complex and spiritual understanding of this reality that physics does not quite cover.
Let me attempt to further illustrate my point…
The belief that everything is interconnected and thus, everything affects everything and everyone else, in my opinion, implies that there exists a consciousness in this process, perhaps a higher consciousness than that of our own, human consciousness. There becomes a wide range of questions that come up when contemplating on this subject:
 Is there a pattern that can be found by studying this consciousness, a cycle to the nature of how everything affects everything else?
Can you gain understanding of yourself and everyone around you by understanding this pattern?
If this force is in and of itself, conscious, is it not then what we call the God force and or Fate?
Is this pattern really a complete and fixed process, unchangeable and pre-determined?
Or is it a combination of both fixed and changing flows within the matrix of the pattern?
And what are omens? Are they simply moments where humans recognize this pattern or psychic reality?
 I feel that it is a great mistake that we claim to have any true understanding of this force of the universe. I think we occasionally have glimpses of it, and I think science, religion and philosophy has developed out of these glimpses. However, in my opinion, it is foolish to believe we have developed a concrete answer to anything, or to put down, condemn, praise or anything else because we think we know. To me the only way any of us can have that attitude would be if we have actually achieved enlightenment. Then we may be able to put our foot down and say that we know the Truth. But I doubt even that concept. I believe that everything, including the Force, is always in a state of expansion and an uncountable amount of things are causing ten times as many other uncountable reactions and on and on and on into infinity. How can we really do or be anything but humble in our thoughts and feelings and our conclusions about anyone or thing? We will only ever be able to understand only a part of the complexity and total cause and effect of the pattern. That isn’t to say that you can’t trust and act upon your thoughts, reactions, feelings and emotions, but you can do it with a humble understanding that you may not have it all figured out and so you are pushing yourself to be open and compassionate.
I believe that you can see this pattern of how everything affects everything else. However, I think that for most of us, myself very much included, this sight or understanding of the pattern is extremely small. I believe we are only seeing a part of a part of a part and so on. It’s a strange thing to study in that you can feel a power of sorts by having this understanding. But at the same time, there becomes a desire to get on your knees in homage to this power, because if you spend any amount of time in this contemplation of cause and effect, it becomes clear how small (though not unimportant) we really are. We are trying to understand the mind of god, as they say. Something that has always stuck with me in my searching for truth and faith throughout my life, is a statement made once by a priest, when he said that a human being attempting to understand the mind of god was like trying to make a dog understand what a star is. I’m not sure that I or anyone else will ever be able to understand the mind of god.
On the idea that you can gain understanding of yourself and your surroundings, I fully agree – yet again, I still hold to that it is only so far as we understand. It isn’t necessarily the Truth! Maybe it’s a snippet of it or part of or maybe we are adding to something from ourselves and are overlaying it onto another person or situation. I think that the more we study, meditrance, learn and explore, the more we will understand the psychic synchronicity in all of the world/life. Yet again I cannot stress enough that everything we gain insight upon or think to, should not only be observed with great care, it should also be subject to extreme scrutiny. 
The idea that this Force, this weaving of the pattern, is in and of itself conscious, is a huge idea, and one that I agree with. But that does that mean everything is pre-ordained or that you have the ability to choose your own way? That we have no control because this or these ‘higher’ beings are controlling or have already written everything down?  These are very complex thoughts and ideas, and I have not come to any complete feelings about them. What I have come to however, is that a pattern is set, not in cycles (well maybe at times), but that pattern continues until something changes it’s course, which can be and is a myriad of things, even up to every moment and it applies and adapts and lays out more and more ideas/ possibilities that will be set in motion if that or other particular paths are taken -  the really crazy thing to me is thinking about the countless upon countless variations to each second of each situation!
To be humble to life, to this Force, to study and learn and be pushing ourselves for truth and constant understanding, greater expansion, more, more feeling the holiness, the divinity in everything and applying this to our lives, is at this point as far as I can understand. To unify and communicate with this god-force, this ele-Mental energy, this essence of Life is our purpose.
The next common idea is that it is all fixed. It’s all been written down from beginning to end and we are living out this story. To me, this is not correct. Like I said before, if a pattern is ‘written’ or laid out, it would have to adapt to more information, more info that would be realized after or rather that we understand of that which is written will expand – we cannot forget that we humans, not the spiritual essences or gods, write books, philosophy, literature and create religion – it’s always a human interpretation of the divine, supposed or otherwise. I don’t believe everything is set, simply that nothing is unchangeable. Evolving is a part of the Great Flow, it, as a fact, null and voids the concept of the “this is just how it is, period” attitude.
And, lastly, on the question of omens; what are omens? To me they are signs from the universe (gods) to help in a quest for knowledge. Sometimes they are too obscure for us to recognize, sometimes they are recognized as just pure coincidence. I believe they are a helping hand in finding truths what we are looking for. I believe that because we humans are divorced from the natural world, we rarely see these signs. I think that if we understood the language of the planet and the stars, that we would see these signs every moment of every day.
I then, of course, am saying in essence that there is a consciousness that is the essence of Life that we are but a part of, and in order to truly be alive, we must align ourselves with that. Then we will see/feel the truth – the pulse of the universe, guiding and teaching. This language, this Soul Speak, is around us always, we just have to learn to listen.

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