Thursday, November 15, 2012

Being Compassionate

It’s easy to say and hard to live, compassion. A seeker of truth needs to be compassionate. With all of our studying of self and external examination of the world, if we are to be effective in changing anything we have to have a high level of compassion. Not one of us has escaped the fact that we were all born within a corrupted human world. We were not taught the true essences of life and death. We were born within societies that are fundamentally built upon malicious competition, then told to all of us that this is truth of nature, human nature.
We, each of us, have our own way to not only "get through" but also expand and grow in life.  We should have then a high level of compassion to everyone on their own path. Yes its a fine line, understanding. There are the truths that come into our understanding and we want to express them as "The Truth" and this is right - but not at the expense of other people. I don't believe that truth for humans is a fire in the sky kind of truth but a moment to moment understanding. Meaning that it can evolve. What we see and understand to be true today, may change over time as our knowledge grows. If we are seeking higher consciousness, then the only way we will succeed in finding and achieving it, is being on our own path. That isn't to dismiss learning from others, be it people or the world around us. I believe, under proper conditions, you can let in critique to yourself and if positive, will expand your awareness ten fold. But without compassion this "critique" will only damage, will only be a block.
Compassion is understanding - heart felt understanding. To truly be a seeker, to overcome those blocks and pitfalls we have all had laid upon us, we need to have a continuous high degree of compassion for ourselves and everyone. Continuous because the corruption we have been shown and taught runs deep - but with an understanding of where these come from and implementing feelings and thoughts to replace the fear, hurt, anger and negativity, we shall overcome and blossom into our creative imagined selves.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Time of Change... the end is near?

I’m in no mood to beat around the bush on this one. We are certainly in a time of great change and I believe that there is both good and bad aspects – I believe without any doubt that we are witnessing the beginning of eco-lapse. The Earth , is dying. And we with her. Does that mean that the end is near and that we are without hope? I believe the answer is an obvious Yes to both questions, if we continue to follow the path laid out before us. Yet we have a chance…
“But I will say this: the rule of no realm is mine, neither of Gondor nor any other, great or small. But all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, those are my care. And for my part, I shall not wholly fail in my task, though Gondor should perish, if anything passes through this night that can still grow fair or bear fruit and flower again in the days to come. For I am also a steward.”  -  Gandalf
This quote has motivated, guided and pushed me since I first read it as a young man. It showed me an important truth, never give up. You may fail in saving many things but you may not fail in everything and some of those things may be very great indeed. In all our myths and legends, we always face the oncoming evil, the dark one, the legions of demons. We don’t stand and take it – we fight back.
In my last fifteen years as being an apprentice to Creavolution, I have been trying to find the way that I can best help or push the revolution. We all need do this task. We all are creative to one extent or another, each a genius in our own area. I feel we have then a responsibility to use this for the salvation of our home, this Earth.
Not all of us will be on the front lines, not all of us can ram whaling boats or tree sit in the redwoods but we all have our talents and skills and interests – we can all do our part. Unity is the key here. We must become a united front. Banded together through purpose – our differences matter not – the end goal is the same. Some of us are politically driven, some spiritually, some environmentally, some emotionally, economically, intellectually… Great! Our cause is great. Our skills are great, let us become the embodiment of the change we want to see.
Our ideals are not fanciful or childish. It is where our strength lives. Our power. We must not give up on our dreams or lose faith. Fuck their conditioning, their dumb training into numbness into conformity. Fuck them! I will not have it. I deny them! I will stand tall till the last battle – I will spit in the eye of these evil fucks who are killing everything I hold dear.
Yes my brothers and sisters, we are losing the war right now and the entity that we call Life, might end as we know it – but will we let them blacken our hearts and spirits? Will we let them dull our souls and give in before we’ve really started?
“The artist, the free-flyer, the person that dares to be mad, can always go back to that madness. You cannot corner that person. That person has an instrument, has a piece of paper, has a pencil, has two dollars worth of dime store paint, has some sand on the beach… that person can always go for truth. You cannot corner that person. You can lock them in solitary and they’ll scratch it on the wall and if you cut off their hands, they will scratch it in their mind.” – Wulf