Thursday, November 15, 2012

Being Compassionate

It’s easy to say and hard to live, compassion. A seeker of truth needs to be compassionate. With all of our studying of self and external examination of the world, if we are to be effective in changing anything we have to have a high level of compassion. Not one of us has escaped the fact that we were all born within a corrupted human world. We were not taught the true essences of life and death. We were born within societies that are fundamentally built upon malicious competition, then told to all of us that this is truth of nature, human nature.
We, each of us, have our own way to not only "get through" but also expand and grow in life.  We should have then a high level of compassion to everyone on their own path. Yes its a fine line, understanding. There are the truths that come into our understanding and we want to express them as "The Truth" and this is right - but not at the expense of other people. I don't believe that truth for humans is a fire in the sky kind of truth but a moment to moment understanding. Meaning that it can evolve. What we see and understand to be true today, may change over time as our knowledge grows. If we are seeking higher consciousness, then the only way we will succeed in finding and achieving it, is being on our own path. That isn't to dismiss learning from others, be it people or the world around us. I believe, under proper conditions, you can let in critique to yourself and if positive, will expand your awareness ten fold. But without compassion this "critique" will only damage, will only be a block.
Compassion is understanding - heart felt understanding. To truly be a seeker, to overcome those blocks and pitfalls we have all had laid upon us, we need to have a continuous high degree of compassion for ourselves and everyone. Continuous because the corruption we have been shown and taught runs deep - but with an understanding of where these come from and implementing feelings and thoughts to replace the fear, hurt, anger and negativity, we shall overcome and blossom into our creative imagined selves.

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